Mosaic Mentorship: Irene Baldoz

Mosaic Mentorship brings together perspectives in leadership to guide new and aspiring leaders in your leadership journey. “Mosaic” speaks to the beauty of bringing together multifaceted insights into a cohesive whole – because none of us should do leadership alone. I hope this is a place where you can learn, be inspired, and feel encouraged as you lead your team and grow personally and professionally.

Irene Baldoz | Mosaic Mentorship

Irene Baldoz

Mother | Pioneering Computer Programmer | Advocate

I have an incredibly special mentor to introduce you to today. She’s not just any mentor—she’s my mom. Growing up, I watched in awe as she balanced a corporate career and motherhood with elegance and grace, and even as a Mexican-American woman navigating the tech industry in the 1970-90s. Her determination and resilience equipped me to handle the demands of the business world while striving to make it home for dinner and bedtime. To this day, I continue to seek her guidance and stability whenever life feels overwhelming.

Meet my mom!

Q&A with Irene Baldoz:

How has being a multicultural woman given you a unique vantage point as a professional working woman and mother?

Being a multicultural working woman has helped me be open-minded to ideas from co-workers. I have benefited from sharing and learning from them about different approaches to solutions. 

As a multicultural mother, I always encouraged my daughter to not only learn but also travel and experience first-hand the mystery and beauty of other cultures to better understand and embrace the people from those places.

I know that growing up, you had a lot on your plate trying to balance work and family. Any wisdom for women in trying to manage it all?

First of all, time management is essential. You must also be a strong woman and learn to prioritize. While it was quite difficult for me to navigate work schedules and family requirements successfully, I loved my family and my job.

Whether or not you know it, you helped instill in me a passion for up-and-coming multicultural women leaders. I love being able to speak to them and encourage them. What's one thought you'd like to leave these women with?

In a work environment, use your multicultural background for creative and critical solutions. Respect cultural differences and acknowledge and encourage similarities in your team.

Mom, thank you. I’m so proud of you and so grateful for the foundation you laid for me.


PS – Have a question, but no mentor?
Send me your questions on LinkedIn and one of my mentors will be honored to address them in an upcoming post. 💜


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