5 things you should do periodically to assess your career path

take care of yourself first, how to assess your career path | Matz Learning Solutions

Your career path is yours to define, take charge now

do you love what you do?

At some point, we all have that moment of realizing that we have to stop thinking about what others expect of us. It’s scary, but so freeing! For me, realizing I had followed the expectations of my parents for too long came later in my career than I would have liked. 

At the time, it took courage to step onto my own path, but ultimately, it’s led me to a more fulfilling career. Maybe you’ve already taken that leap, or maybe you’re feeling like a leap is coming. With this post, I want to encourage you to take some intentional time to dream & plan for your future. Small commitments to change will pay off!

Your career path is yours to define, and taking charge of it starts now.

#1 – Schedule regular self-assessments… with yourself.

Evaluate where you are today in your career:

  • What career path am I on?

  • What do I feel really good about having accomplished?

  • What else do I want to learn? What skills do I need to move ahead?

  • Are there any other roles that interest me? 

  • Do I want to continue on this path or pivot to something new?

Notice where your curiosity kicks in! For me, I automatically assumed my mother’s path was the best path. I struggled to imagine something different for myself because it was going against people’s expectations. 

You may have to get courageous and challenge yourself here: Do you keep going along the path you’re on, or is it time to make a turn in the road?


Block your calendar for a regular meeting with yourself (I like January & June) to assess where you are and where you want to be.

#2 – Write down your short and long-term goals

Clarify your career goals. We tend to put a lot of pressure on January 1 goal-setting, but I think mid-year is just as powerful, if not more (we’re not in winter hibernation mode!). Spending some time writing out your career goals can give you big energy! The process of actually writing them down is important – writing helps clarify our thoughts and has a way of making things more real. 

  • If you like the path you’re on: How can you become more specialized and more of a technical expert? 

  • If you don’t like the path you’re on: What needs to change?

  • Who do you want to work with?

  • What kind of projects do you want to work on?

  • What do I want to achieve in the next six months?

Setting clear, actionable goals – whether for short-range or long-range planning – will give you direction and motivation.


During your self-assessment, spend some time evaluating your goals. Don’t be afraid to strike out goals on your list that no longer serve you.

#3 – Document and celebrate recent successes

Update your LinkedIn profile and résumé to reflect your latest accomplishments. Keeping a consistent record of your successes and achievements is a reliable source of dopamine! This practice not only prepares you for future opportunities, but also allows you to celebrate your progress.

  • What recent successes am I proud of?

  • How do these achievements align with my career goals?

  • How can I celebrate my team’s accomplishments?

Celebrating your successes helps maintain motivation. (Prepare yourself: You may feel self-conscious about your first few updates, but just block out that negative self-talk and celebrate your wins!)


Take 2 hours and refresh your LinkedIn page. (Then follow me – I’d love to connect with you!)

#4 – Have a conversation about your plan

This is all about putting your goals and aspirations out in the world. Put some feelers out there! You never know what connections and opportunities will spark. 

You might consider having an honest conversation with your manager. I recommend preparing for these discussions by: 

  • Clearly outlining your achievements 

  • Articulating your career goals

  • Identifying areas where you need support

  • Asking: How can I align my aspirations with the company’s objectives?

  • Asking: What feedback do you have for me that can help me improve and grow?

This conversation is a powerful one to put you and your manager on the same page and help you get the support you need to achieve your goals.


Ask 3 people if you can share your goals with them and get some feedback. 


Book a meeting with your manager or HR team or prepare to bring up your goals in your next 1:1

#5 – Identify and Leverage Mentors

If you’ve followed me for even a little while, you know I’m big on having a “leadership committee.” Good mentors can be the difference between igniting your potential and plodding along in a lifeless career. 

Questions to spark a conversation with your mentors:

  • What skills should I develop to reach my goals?

  • How can I overcome specific challenges?

  • What opportunities should I pursue?

  • What are the ways I add the most value to my role and organization?

  • What have you noticed I’m naturally good at and gravitate toward doing?


If you don’t already have a mentor network, start building one this week. Read this post for some tips! 

wrapping it up:

Your goals and aspirations will evolve over time – and that’s a good thing! Creating periodic, proactive check-ins with yourself can help you stay aligned with your growth.

Don’t let your assumptions of other peoples’ expectations control your career path – your career path is uniquely yours! Be accountable for yourself, to yourself. Have courage to change. Surround yourself with people who cheer you on. 

You don’t have to do a sudden 180° pivot (...or maybe you do!) – but small changes can put you on the trajectory that’s right for you. One degree of change at a time.

… at this point, I imagine your self-talk is going a little wild. Tell me what’s holding you back or what’s sparking for you on LinkedIn!

Lead the way,


PS – If you want to keep learning about career progression and development, I share resources & more in my monthly newsletter. You can subscribe here →


Mosaic Mentorship: Nicole Dobransky


Mosaic Mentorship: Cherie Aplin