Mosaic Mentorship: Nicole Dobransky

Mosaic Mentorship brings together perspectives in leadership to guide new and aspiring leaders in your leadership journey. “Mosaic” speaks to the beauty of bringing together multifaceted insights into a cohesive whole – because none of us should do leadership alone. Along with providing leadership development tips, I hope this is a place where you can learn, be inspired, and feel encouraged as you lead your team and grow personally and professionally.

Nicole Dobransky

Entrepreneur | Mother | Business Growth Coach for Run Coaches

Nicole has been a mentor of mine since 2019, but we first met back in 2015 in a prenatal yoga class when we were both pregnant with our eldest daughters. We connected on social media, and through the years, she has continuously inspired me to embark on my own fitness journey while navigating life as a working mother.

I initially approached her because I was finally ready to put myself first and create a fitness and nutrition program customized for my lifestyle and goals. Today, I can confidently say that I’m in the best shape of my life—I feel strong, have a healthy relationship with food, and can even call myself an athlete.

Over the years, she’s helped me learn that consistency, constant renewal, and a true love for oneself are the best approaches to life. I am so grateful for her mentorship and guidance, and I’m excited to share her with you here!

Meet Nicole!

Q&A with Nicole Dobransky:

What kind of self-talk have you had to overcome in your journey to getting where you are today?

When I first started my business, I thought I was pretty self aware – but I was wrong! I had a lot of limiting beliefs, but instead of recognizing them as stories I told myself, I really thought that I just wasn't cut out for the level of success I saw others have. I told myself that I wasn't interesting enough and that I wasn't willing to sacrifice as much as others in order to achieve success.

Ultimately, it came down to the hidden story that I am not good enough. Once I dug deep and figured that out, changed the story and started to empower myself to use my gifts, lean into my strengths and improve my all came together. Still a work in progress of course, but I've come so far!

Any suggestions for the woman who's thinking about approaching someone to ask for their mentorship?

I have learned that you must ask for mentorship – you can't assume someone is going to magically come along and help.

One mistake I made was waiting to ask for mentorship until I felt "worthy" of the mentor – that I had proved myself and created enough success to warrant my mentor spending time on me. Once I asked for her help, I realized I could have used it earlier.

If you're going to ask for mentorship, remind yourself that it's not about your PAST success, it's about where you're headed in the future. 

When you ask for mentorship, be sure to have thought through where you are headed and use the time with your mentor wisely. Then, show up and take action based on the conversation you had with your mentor. Do not wait for them to check in – be proactive and tell them what you've done since your last conversation & ask for guidance when needed.

Think back to a failure or setback in your career. How did you turn that moment into a high-value learning experience?

In 2019, I set a goal to finish the year as one of the top in our company and earn an invite to our leadership retreat. I failed to meet my goal and it was painful to watch other women attend the retreat knowing that I hadn't done the work to get there.

At the time, I felt resentful – I felt like I deserved it more than some of them. But I had to get honest – I did NOT earn it. I learned that however much work you THINK you need to do to achieve the top level of success is likely less than it truly takes. It's not actually about putting in more work to the point of burning out, it's about being smart & patient and not giving up too soon. 

I didn't let that disappointment get in the way of my goals – instead I learned from it. I increased my efforts significantly over the next year, and not only ended up at that leadership retreat, but ended up in the top 20 of all leaders in the entire company. I was later asked to SPEAK to that same group of people who attended the retreat without me to share how I achieved my success.

At Matz Learning Solutions, we talk a lot about trust. What role has trust played in your career and success? How do you cultivate trust on your team?

I believe trust is cultivated by doing what we say we will do. Every time we make a promise to ourselves or others and we do not follow through, we lose a little bit of trust.

I pride myself on being incredibly consistent – I have shown up for my business every single week for the last 8 years and I do what I say. Your actions talk far louder than your words. Show people they can trust you by being consistent.

Can you let us in on one of your current big goals and the consistent actions you're taking to get there?

I recently launched a new company, Runner Rising, where I am mentoring and coaching run coaches to market & grow their businesses. It has been a new challenge to balance 2 businesses – it would be much easier to stay in my comfort zone.

One of the ways I'm growing my new business is through my podcast, Runner Rising. I've committed to one podcast a week, launching on Fridays, every single week. Having that small goal that I hold myself to is a small stepping stone that I am using to create momentum toward my larger goal.

Ultimately, my goal is to make Runner Rising a million dollar company & become the number one business growth community for run coaches. I find so much joy in empowering women to pursue their passions and to believe that they are capable of more than they ever believed.

Nicole, thanks for sharing with us! All great thoughts and so meaningful for women. You’re truly amazing and an inspiration for me as a fellow small business owner.


PS – Have a question, but no mentor?
Send me your questions on LinkedIn and one of my mentors will be honored to address them in an upcoming post. 💜


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